A panoramic camera with an infinity-curved screen.
Taking inspiration from the Japanese word Keirin 競輪(ケイリン), a bike race in a velodrome 𓋰, it’s the perfect name for a concept where hardware and software cycle together.
( P A N O R A M I C )
Shoot everything as if you were a cinematographer
Imagine capturing any moment as if it was a movie frame, with the choice of any industry-standard aspect ratio — even the legendary 21:9 CinemaScope. With KEIRIN, you can shoot any panoramic format you want, horizontally & vertically.
Panoramic images are narrative, expressive and extensive. The way you shoot in panorama enhances your storytelling, encouraging you to think deeper about what you want to express with each photo, as well as how to frame subjects and landscapes accordingly.
Panoramic cameras became popular back in the late 90s - early 2000s, with the pinnacle being the dual-format Hasselblad Xpan that allows you to shoot 3:2 and 6:2 (24x65mm film photos, twice the length of a typical 35mm).
Featuring an edge-to-edge flexible touch display, KEIRIN has no unnecessary buttons. The interface is seamlessly designed to be used with your thumbs, providing a familiar, contemporary UI experience.
Viewed from behind, the top half OLED curved screen enhances navigation and ergonomics. KEIRIN fits comfortably in your hand, with the screen strategically curved where your thumbs naturally fall.
KEIRIN may be the first camera to feature a side-to-side curved touchscreen, and only the second to use a flexible screen (after the discontinued Zeiss ZX1).
It is said that “The best camera is the one that is with you”. Since smartphones, which take panoramic photos, are in our hands all day, why is a camera like KEIRIN needed in 2023?
A dedicated photo camera is a single-purpose device that helps you focus on what you want to create, without distractions.
We designed KEIRIN with all these points in mind, keeping the size small for maximum comfort and portability. It’s a light camera that fits smoothly in your hand or hangs gently from your neck.
KEIRIN is comparable in size to an iPhone, with a full-aluminium body featuring a full-frame 60mpx sensor, dedicated internal storage, an all-day battery and an OLED flexible screen.
We are preparing detailed visualizations for the upcoming releases:
003 - Form, Ergonomics & ID
004 - UX & Interface Design
& more to come…
Stay tuned & share it around!
Proudly featuring 3D visualizations by Aravind Kaimal, CD @Hipstamatic & 3D lead @anydistanceclub. Gracias for bringing KEIRIN to life.
VWFNDR is an open project for like-minded creators passionate about photography, please get in touch below with feedback or to get involved!
VIEWFINDER - A project by Nuevo.Tokyo and Mireia.Studio
UX/UI/Ideation → Alvaro Arregui Falcon
Industrial Design/Ideation → Mireia Gordi i Vila